#Gay lingo words update
If you know other slang terms, ethymology, or other meanings, that are not included here, please email us and we'll update the list.
#Gay lingo words windows
We decided to use pop-up windows for defiitions and synonyms, to make more fast the uploading of pages, and also because, in this way, you can click only the terms you don't know, or you want to understand better. In this revised edition we also added the synonyms. We normally didn't include in our dictionary the terms that can be found in a good dictionary of English language. It is also thank to them if our dictionary is becoming one of the most complete and exhaustive in the Net.

We also thank here all our readers who sent us new terms, with the needed explanations, origin and so on.

Robert Owen Scott's Gay Slang Dictionary.Ken Cage, Gayle: The Language of Kinks and Queens, A History and Dictionary of Gay Language in South Africa.Vocabulary of the Flash Language (the Cant) included in the Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux, published in 1819 in Australia.Francis Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, published in 1785 and again in 1811.These slang terms were collected from a variety of sources, and among others the following ones: Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Gay Slang - index