We also accept cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Please contact us if you have not donated these items previously. Items must be prepared in a licensed kitchen, properly packaged, labeled with ingredients and allergens, stored at 41 ☏ or lower, and donated before sell-by date. Prepared/catered food: We accept prepared foods that have not been previously served to the public (buffet/family style).Must be received at 41 ☏ or below, donated or frozen on or before the sell-by date. Deli products: We accept deli products (salads, sandwiches) in their original unopened containers, labeled with ingredients and allergens.Items should be less than 3 months old (frozen the whole time). Meat products: Unopened, labeled for commercial sale, and have been frozen on or before the sell-by date.Baked goods: Within 2 days past the sell-by date, prepared in a licensed, inspected food establishment, in sealed packaging with allergens and ingredients listed.We can only accept eggs from USDA inspected facilities. Egg Donor Program of Michigan is located at: 5090 State Street - Suite 103 Bm Saginaw, MI 48603 Phone: 989.791.9712 Fax: 989.791. Dairy products and eggs: Unopened, pasteurized, and within 5 days past the sell-by date must be received at 41 ☏ or below.May be purchased or from your own garden. Fresh produce: No signs of mold, spoilage or severe bruising.

We follow federal, state, and local food safety regulations, and comply with additional standards to ensure the safety and health of the recipients. Food Gatherers accepts donations of perishable and non-perishable foods, as well as non-food items.